Tank Tender | Tank Tender Tank Monitoring Systems |

*Panel Height is 6", Width is 4", and depth behind is 2 7/8"
*Panel cut-out is 3 1/16" wide by 5" high
*Gauge is 2 1/2" with removable plastic cover
*Std. gauge scales 30" water and 35" diesel or 60" water and 70" diesel; metric equalents of 30 + 60"; 160/180"
*Weight is 1 pound 2 ounces
*One instrument measures up to ten water, diesel and holding tanks
*Completely self-contained pneumatic operation (non-electric) Very simple installation that requires only one 5/32" hole in each tank top over deepest port
*Easily embossed calibration cards to convert inch readings to gallons
*Corrosion resistant materials such as brass and stainless steel
Medical grade components with long-term reliability
*Mounting hardware supplied with system
STD Gauge Scales:
*30" water/35" Diesel
*60" water/70" Diesel
*160" water/180" Diesel
Metric Gauge Scale:
*750mm water//850mm Diesel
*1450mm Water/1700mm Diesel
*Checks all liquid levels from one location
*Accurate liquid level readings to 1/4"
*Eliminates removal of seats, floor boards, etc., to check liquid levels
* Safe, pneumatic reliability
Published: 02/13/18
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